Our blog
Want to help us?
In this section, we will publish stories about implemented volunteer projects, the first steps in the careers of our volunteers, and stories of partners participating in Order of Malta Foundation’s projects.
Family day for Ukrainian surrogate families
Order of Malta working with the Food Bank to help people in need
One year anniversary of the start of the activities of the Order of Malta in Estonia
An exhibition focusing on the centuries-long history of the Order of Malta was opened at the Tallinn Museum of Knightly Orders
We invite all students to take part in an educational and inspiring tour of the Tallinn Knights Museum in Tallinn Old Town.
Parasports weekend for children with disabilities
Estonian pilgrims join the Order of Malta World Pilgrimage to Lourdes
The students of Kohila Manor School participated in the first aid pilot project "I Help"
Malteeserid paramedics provided medical supervision
Students from 6th and 7th grade at Püha Miikaeli school participated in a pilot project on first aid training
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